Thursday, May 29, 2008

Hello everyone! Sorry it has been so long since I've updated this but things got a little crazy with finals and moving! But it is now summer and I made it through my First year of college finals! ahh can't say I enjoyed it and am looking forward to next years too!
Yes like I said I moved and am now living with Skye and Cody. I think they enjoy having new roommates...for the time being at least! I enjoy living with them, we are all pretty busy so we are all rarely here at the same times anyway.
Now that it's summer time I'm currently working for Vector Marking, as their full time Receptionist. It's crazy being all grown up and having a full time job now! but thats not the only thing I'm going to be doing this summer too. I'm still doing drawings for Sneekee, a hunting company, and selling paintings to people who want them! so if anyone has something in mind, let me know I would be more than happy to do one for you! :) I have a few more things I'm going to start working on too but we'll wait and see how they turn out before I talk about them! haha.
But life is good, busy as ever! Jake is doing well and is loving Australia! He has already had one baptism and the language is coming along so well! I miss him but I wouldn't want him to be any other place!


Ali and Rob said...

Hey there! so glad to here from you. yeah for alittle while it sucks to have to grow up & be responsible! But you have the whole world ahead of you! Rob still wants you to draw a pic of his sheep! And I would like something too! We'll talk. love ya

Debra said...

Ash, it was good to have you home for a while . We miss you and all the activity that comes with you. Thanks again for the visit. WE Love you .mom and dad